Dental Implants
These days the majority of people who lose their teeth either due to old age or some accident, often opt for dental implants. A dental implant is a prosthetic tooth and root replacement using an artificial tooth that supports restorations and resembles a tooth or a group of teeth. Among the different types of dental implants, the most successful and widely appraised implant type is the Osseo Integrated Implant that’s based on the discovery of the legendary Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark that titanium can be effectively attached with the bone. The whole concept of dental implants relies on this very theory of forming a structural and functional connection between the living bone and the implant. Dental Implants McDonough GA
Although with traditional variants such as implant-supported bridges and implant-supported dentures being recommended by many dentists in the past. Dental implants have gained popularity in the recent years and proven to be best alternative to traditional implants and bridges. With a success rate of over 95%, dental implants are an excellent choice for reclaiming your smile.
At our Dental Implants center in McDonough, GA we follow the steps below:
Steps of Dental Implants McDonough GA
Step 1. Examination
A thorough check up or examination is performed on the patient before any dental implant procedure. For a successful dental implant, it is necessary to identify the vital structures such as nerves and the sinus to properly orientate the implants for a successful outcome. As part of the process of Dental Implants, we will also take necessary x-rays and teeth models as well as recommend a CT scan if required. Our experienced dentist will perform a detailed health review as well to verify whether there are any contradictions to the implant placement.
Step 2. Preparation and Planning
X-rays are taken prior to the dental implant surgery. Only if needed, further advanced scans such as CT scan will be suggested to get a clear 3-dimensional view of your jaw. Such a clear view can help the dentist properly plan the placement as well as the whole restoration process of your dental implants. After this process, a “stent”either CT-guided or manually will be required to ease the placement procedure of the implants. A surgical stent is an acrylic water that easily fits over the teeth, bone surface or even the mucosa (if all the teeth are missing) within the pre-drilled holes in order to guide through the exact position as well as angle for the implants to be placed.
Step 3. Basic procedure
The basic procedure for an Osseo integrated implant needs preparation into the bone using precision drills with highly regulated speed in order to prevent any burning sensation or pressure of the bone. A tooth or teeth can be implanted later on the pre-planned position after a variable amount of time that is required to allow the bone to grow onto the surface of the implant. There could be some variation in the amount of time required to place an implant from individual to individual, but normally it is between 1-2 hours.
Step 4. Smile!
After the implant area is healed, missing teeth can be easily replaced either using a support crown for one missing tooth or you can also opt for a bridge or dentures for several missing teeth.
If you use dentures on the dental implants, it will effectively increase the comfort of your ability to chew and give back your confident smile all over again!
If you have lost the confidence of smiling because of your lost teeth, then let us help you! Contact us for our Dental Implants Services in McDonough, GA.